

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some Came Running

Once again we see another film where Sinatra plays the soldier returning home. However, unlike in The Manchurian Candidate, here Sinatra's character isn't primarily traumatized by his wartime experiences. Instead his problems involve his big brother and women. The obvious hostility and resentment Dave Hirsch holds for his older brother Frank is apparent from his appearance in town. He invests his money in the other bank and passive agressively gives Frank a check for the years he spent growing up in an all boys orphanage.
Frank at this time is the living the supposed American dream. He has his own business, a beautiful house, and a picture-perfect wife and daughter. Dave (Sinatra) on the other hand leads a wandering life, writing and working from place to place. He rents the nicest hotel room in a town and never seems to worry about money, emulating a playboy lifestyle in the beginning of the film in stark opposition to the mainstream form of masculinity portrayed by his brother.
As the film progresses Dave attempts to slide away from the bachelor lifestyle. He genuinely wishes to marry Gwen, but he can't because she is unwilling to look past his drunken, single lifestyle filled with gamblers and escorts. Dave ends up marrying Ginny out of anger against Gwen and a desire for companionship. But once again traditional domesticity is impossible for a Sinatra character when Ginny is killed minutes after their wedding.

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